While there are many great types of fuel pump sign solutions, we consider pump toppers to be the cornerstone of pump signage.

Pump toppers are easy to install, easy to change, viewable from both sides of the pump island and directly in a customer’s line of sight. Once frames are attached to your pumps, you simply slide single or double sided inserts into the frames.

This blog will be informative for anyone who owns or manages a property with fuel dispensers.

You may be currently using pump toppers, but not to their full potential.

Read on to learn about the innovative ways pump topper signs can be used to draw pay-at-the-pump customers from the pumps and into your store for added sales.

Aunt Annies Pump Topper Frame and Insert

Why We Love Them

Fuel dispensers come standard with an opening below the canopy. This area is the perfect spot for advertising, as anything put here will in no way hinder the pump use. Being inside this partially covered area also helps protect the signage from wind and other harsh weather.

A pump topper ends up being just above eye level for the average customer pumping fuel. They have almost no choice but to notice the amazing deals you are currently marketing!

Once your frames are installed it only takes seconds to swap out inserts with updated sales or promotions.

Our most popular frame stand is the standard 20″ x 12″ version that adheres to a pump using extra strong double sided tape. Installing these frames couldn’t be easier.

Washer Fluid on Sale Pump Topper

Common Styles

Fuel Dispenser Sign Frames come in a variety of sizes, shapes and materials. Certain frames fit better with certain pumps. Our sales team at Wilde Signs would love to help you make the right decision when it comes to choosing a pump topper style.

Standard Pump Topper
Standard Aluminum Pump Topper Frame
Shell Version Pump Topper Frame
X Large Aluminum Pump Topper Frame
Inverted Frameless Pump Topper

Inverted Frameless Toppers

Inverted frameless pump toppers have a very unique look. They are printed on a semi-rigid corrugated plastic material and attach to the top of the pump canopy using a flat mounting bracket with flanges.

The sign section is die-cut to easily slide into the mounting bracket. It is also scored at the bottom, forming a triangle that can be viewed from both sides of the fuel pump.

Inverted Frameless Pump Topper

Inverted or Flagmount

In some situations, it works better to have your signs mounted from the pump canopy. Our 20” x 12” standard frame can be inverted and adhered to any flat surface. This means you can also flag mount from the side of a pump for an additional advertising spot.

Inverted Pump Topper
Inverted Frameless Pump Topper
Inverted Pump Topper

Topper Extensions

For any top-loading pump topper frame, you have the ability to increase your advertising power at the pump using pump topper extensions. This can be done using a taller sign insert that extends beyond the frame.

We generally recommend a 4 – 7 inch extension height. Our standard style usually features rounded top corners, but since this section sits above and outside the frame  you are able to die-cut pump topper extensions into unique shapes for an epic look.

Pump Topper Extension

AWESOME IDEA Use pump topper extensions to promote another sale or promotion different from what is on your pump topper. This doubles the advertising power a single pump topper frame can have!

AWESOME IDEA Use pump topper extensions to promote another sale or promotion different from what is on your pump topper. This doubles the advertising power a single pump topper frame can have!

Insert Spets

If you already have fuel dispenser frames installed at your pumps, we recommend getting in touch with us about inserts. We can print and cut inserts to fit any frame, and we offer them at a very competitive price.

Order Today

In need of pump topper frames? We’ve got you covered! Contact us today and get your order started for any of the variations shown above. We currently offer the standard 20″ x 12″ frame in a 6 pack on our e-commerce store.

I wanted to make sure and mention that we do so much more than just pump topper frames and inserts. Wilde Signs is a custom sign provider that specializes in convenience store and grocery retail signs of all kinds. Learn more about our company and why we are the sign provider you should be using!

Any Size Coffee Fuel Dispenser Pump Topper